His Dark Materials 202 The Cave

Caitlin, Francis, Anya, and Alan explore The Cave. We talk about Mary Malone, Oxford geography, and building a credit score with God. Watch out for the return of our Spoiler Section at the end!


Hobnob Biscuits are popular in England, but would be called cookies by anyone in the US.

The number of co-authors for Scientific Publications is increasing in every field, but does not necessarily translate in wider collaboration. Merely the sharing of equipment.

American listeners (AKA Yanks) might be confused why part of “America My Country ‘Tis of Thee” plays during ASK A BRIT! but the song is actually “God Save the Queen” which is the UK National Anthem.

A map of Lyra’s Oxford

A map of real/ Will’s Oxford

Much like biscuits = cookies a plaster in the UK would be called a bandage in the US.

Take a virtual tour of The Pitt Rivers Museum

There’s a Pitt River in Canada?

Indulgences were part of the reason why Martin Luther broke with the Catholic church. The specific practice of selling forgiveness for money or favors is called Simony and was illegal 200 years before Luther’s rebellion, though.

Self flagellation is a thing.

The Catholic Church has covered up sex scandals around the globe including the abuse of children.

Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn

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