The Amber Spyglass Ch 1-5

Caitlin, Francis, Anya, and Alan are back to talk about the first five chapters of “The Amber Spyglass!” We debate if the book starts too slow, or just right. Should Lyra’s dreams of Roger get edited out? What on Earth is Gnosticism? Are Gallevespians venomous or poisonous? We (do not) have all the answers!

Balthazar is a monster-of-the-week demon in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”

The Three Wise Men are not named or numbered in the New Testament.

Kendal Mint Cake is pure energy you can keep in your pocket.

Sir Ernest Shackleton led three explorations of the Antarctic Region at the start of the 20th Century.

Baruch Spinoza is the philosophical taproot of a monist materialism in Continental Philosophy.

Poisonous vs Venomous

Titanium Phosphide is a thing.

His Dark Materials was banned?

Gnosticism is a thing.

Coptic Christians are still a thing.

The Aggadah are a non-canon thing.

Anya asks, “Are there any modern Gnostic churches,” but the answer was edited out and lost in Alan’s long rambling. Yes there are modern Gnostic churches, is the answer.

The Hebrew Goddess is a forgotten thing.

Sensus Divinitatis is…. ummm not a thing? But Basic Claims are a thing.

Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn

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